Plants will be available for pickup starting in late April-early May.
Showing 81–120 of 129 results
Physocarpus opulifolius-Prairie ninebark
$32.00 -
Pinus rigida-Pitch pine
$35.00 -
Pinus strobus- White pine
$40.00 -
Polystichum acrostichoides-Christmas Fern
$18.00 -
Prunus maritima-Beach plum
$25.00 -
Prunus pumila-Sand cherry
$28.00 -
Prunus virginiana-Choke cherry
$50.00 -
Pycnanthemum muticum-Clustered mountain mint
$16.00 -
Pycnanthemum virginianum-Common mountain mint
$16.00 -
Quercus alba-White oak
$32.00 -
Quercus rubra-Red oak
$42.00 -
Rhododendron viscosum-Swamp azalea
$48.00 -
Rosa carolina-Pasture rose
$26.00 -
Rosa virginiana-Virginia rose
$32.00 -
Rudbeckia fulgida-Orange coneflower
$16.00 -
Salix discolor-Pussy willow
$22.00 -
Salix nigra-Black Willow
$42.00 -
Sambucus canadensis-Black elderberry
$32.00 -
Sambucus racemosa-Red elderberry
$40.00 -
Schizachyrium scoparium-Little bluestem grass
$10.00 -
Sibbaldiopsis tridentata-Three leaved cinquefoil
$16.00 -
Solidago caesia-Blue stem goldenrod
$16.00 -
Solidago caesia-Blue stem goldenrod (bare root)
$12.00 -
Solidago flexicaulis-Zig zag goldenrod
$18.00 -
Solidago nemoralis-Gray goldenrod
$16.00 -
Solidago sempervirens-Seaside goldenrod
$16.00 -
Spiraea latifolia-Meadowsweet
$30.00 -
Spiraea tomentosa-Steeplebush
$42.00 -
Symphyotrichum laevis-Smooth aster
$16.00 -
Symphyotrichum laevis-Smooth aster (bare root)
$12.00 -
Symphyotrichum novae-angliae-New England aster
$16.00 -
Symphyotrichum novae-angliae-New England aster (bare root)
$12.00 -
Tiarella cordifolia-Foam flower
$10.00 -
Trandescantia ohioensis-Smooth spiderwort
$16.00 -
Ulmus americana-American elm
$34.00 -
Vaccinium angustifolium-Lowbush blueberry
$22.50 -
Vaccinium corymbosum-Highbush blueberry
$42.00 -
Verbena hastata-Blue vervain
$24.00 -
Vernonia noveboracensis-New York ironweed
$20.00 -
Vernonia noveboracensis-New York ironweed (bare root)