Viburnum dentatum-Arrowood viburnum


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Arrow wood viburnum is aptly named; poke your head inside a vase like clump of these beauties and you can see just how straight the wood is! A tall growing (10 feet or a bit more), common shrub of wetlands, arrowood viburnum feeds a lot of critters. It is the larval host plant to the spectacular clearwing hummingbird moth that you might have coming by your pollinator garden to sip nectar with its ridiculously long tongue. Yes the moth is here because the adult is hungry, but just as importantly it is here because its larval host plant is here. Creamy white clusters of flowers adorn the plants in late spring, followed by azure blue clusters of bb sized fruit later in the summer. Blink and you will miss the fruit; it is eaten by birds within a week after ripening. The only downside to this wonderful plant? It is a host plant to the non-native viburnum leaf beetle, which thankfully isn’t everywhere. The larvae feed on the leaves giving them a shredded sort of look. It doesn’t kill the plant, but it will weaken it over time.

Currently in stock we have 2 ft high multi stemmed plants in 5 gallon pots for $45 each

Smaller plant sizes are available, just ask!