Pycnanthemum muticum-Clustered mountain mint


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You don’t usually think of mints as being beautiful, but this one is a stunner. The flowers themselves aren’t terribly showy, but the whorls of leaves that subtend the flowers are blushed white, almost like they have been frosted. Plants sport multiple stems reaching to about 3 or 4 feet tall, and stay relatively confined to where you plant them. The leaves are a soothing light green and have a complex and distinctive flavor and scent profile that is seldom encountered elsewhere. Clip a few of the many leaves and make yourself a delicious tea (or a mint julep!). Attracts a steady flow of insect pollinator traffic during those muggy humid days of mid July; mostly wasps and other hymenopterans, but also skipper and crescent butterflies will stop by too. Don’t judge a book by it’s cover, our native mints tend to behave themselves quite well, unlike the non-native mints that will greedily hijack the garden.
1-2gal size, $16.00 (Seed grown, MOFGA certified organic.)



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