Asarum canadense-Wild ginger



Wild ginger makes a fantastic ground cover; in the right spot. That perfect spot is full shade in rich, moisture retentive, loamy soils. It is rare in Maine, largely due to the absence of the limey, higher pH soils that it prefers. In fact, this is an indicator species of such soils. Maidenhair fern is usually growing in close proximity along with other rich soil dwellers like Blue Cohosh. Easy to propagate by root fragments. Flowers in early spring, around April. The leaves die back to the ground each fall and are fully restored by June of the next year. Likes a regular limestone application and regular mulching to hold moisture in the soil. Despite the shared name, our wild ginger has no relation to the spicy ginger we buy in the grocery store.

1 gallon, well developed plants at $20 each